Securing your data

This web site is designed to gather as little information from you as feasibly possible. There are no adverts that track your every move and cookie use is limited to the bare essentials needed to make the web site function and provide necessary data insights to improve customer experience and use.

What is this website?

The address of this website is – it should be shown in your browser bar, i.e. in the box you typed this domain name in to or the bookmark you accessed it through. The web site is owned and operated by BLIQUID which is a registered business in Australia. Use of this web site indicates acceptance of our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

What personal data is collected and why?

  • Contact forms, shopping baskets & e-mails

When you submit personal information using any method via this site, the information you type in to the form, intended for us to see, will be sent to us or stored with a 3rd party with authenticated and secure access to the data. So for example, if you type your name in a ‘Name’ box, your name will be sent to us or stored in one of our 3rd party services with secure authenticated access to it. Same applies for all the other boxes on the various forms used on this site. If you type personal information in a box and click ‘submit’ then that personal information will be sent to us. If you would rather we didn’t receive personal information about you then a) don’t type it in a the box and b) don’t click submit. Same rules apply if you send us an e-mail.

  • Data sharing

Some data is stored on 3rd party services and/or systems to make everything work. We always try to keep this to an absolute minimum. For example, if you subscribe to our newsletter then your name and e-mail address will be stored on Mailchimp’s servers, or whoever we happen to be using at the time for mailing list management. If you would rather this doesn’t happen then please don’t send your personal information to us.

  • Cookies

Cookies are small files stored on your computer to make websites work. Pretty much all web sites make use of them. On this site cookies are used for functional and technical purposes.

If you have an account and you log in to this site, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices to improve customer use and satisfaction.

Embedded content from other websites (e.g. YouTube videos)

Embedding content allows for a better overall user experience since you can watch videos and other media without having to leave the article you’re currently reading. Generally speaking, when you embed content on a website from another website then cookies from that website will be stored on your computer as if you were on that website. These are known as 3rd party cookies.

Bear in mind if you do watch a video your personal data may still be passed to YouTube as if you were watching the video in a normal browser window. Affiliate links don’t use any tracking directly on this website however bear in mind once you’re on a 3rd party website we no longer have control over your privacy.

How long is your data retained?

If you send us a personal comment via a contact form or e-mail it will be retained indefinitely for historical reference. Any personal information sent to us for order processing is retained for the following time periods:

  • If you create an account on our website when you place an order that account will be deleted after 3 years of inactivity.

  • Pending, failed and cancelled orders will be retained for a period of 90 days to improve customer usage and product experience.

  • Details of completed orders will be retained for tax audit purposes for a period of 7-10 years.

  • Stripe data (NOT your credit card information) will be retained for a period of 1 year.

What rights you have over your data

You can request to have a copy of information we hold about you. You can also request for this information to be deleted. This does not include any data we’re obliged to keep for administrative, legal, tax, or security purposes.

Where we send your data

Your data may be securely transferred to organisations for order management and fulfilment purposes. These organisations include but are not limited to:

  • Paypal & Stripe for processing of payments

  • Mailchimp who look after our e-mail mailing lists

  • Physical or online shops

Other than the above, which is essential for things on this site to work, we won’t knowingly share or sell your data outside this business. In the event of sale or transfer of ownership of this business as a whole, all data associated with the business sale would be transferred to the new business owners in whole or in part. This may include but is not limited to all customer information, customer databases and historic order information. This data would become the property and responsibility of the new business owners.

Contact information

You can get in touch via the contact form on this web site or by emailing Contact forms are discussed above. Identifying personal information such as your name and e-mail address will need to be stored so we know who you are and provide a timely and adequate customer experience.

Right to variation

We expressly reserve the right to vary our Privacy Policy at any time without notice.

November 2021 – Version 3.0