These Terms and Conditions, also referred to as Terms of Use or Terms of Service, relate to any product, service, sale, information or content that is accessed, used or fulfilled directly from this web site. These terms do not apply to products or services sold by 3rd party organisations such as Amazon or Facebook Marketplace. Please check those sites for their own specific terms and conditions of sale. Use of this web site indicates acceptance of our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Business details & contact information

Bliquid is a registered Australian business.

Returns of digital items

Digital items, such as e-gift cards, cannot be returned. Please make sure you’ve selected the correct item and included an accurate e-mail address before placing your order.

Right to refuse your order

We reserve the right to refuse any order and are not obliged to offer any additional compensation for disappointment suffered. If we do refuse your order you will be issued with a full refund.


We give no warranty or representation as to fitness or suitability of the items sold from this web site for any particular purpose and we hereby expressly exclude ourselves from all liability for breaches of conditions and warranties implied by Australian laws or as to the fitness of the goods for any particular purpose to the fullest extent permitted by law. We shall not be liable to the buyer for any economic loss, physical loss, emotional loss, loss of profit or other indirect, special or consequential costs, expenses, loss or damage (and whether caused by our negligence, our employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of items or their subsequent use. No liability is accepted.

Governing law

The contract between us shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Australian law and the Australian and Queensland courts shall have jurisdiction to resolve any disputes between us.

Customs & taxes

You are responsible for your own customs, import taxes and any other taxes (e.g. GST) that may apply.

Variation of terms

These terms and conditions can be changed at any time without notice. The version in place at the time of order applies. 

November 2021 – Version 3.0